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COLLAKU IN PRESS CONFERENCE - MP Kreshnik Collaku speaking to the journalists during a press conference, where he confirmed the filing of the request to the File Authority regarding the opening of the files of all the MPs in the Parliament of Albania, if they were collaborators of the former State Security.
Category: PD
Monday, 23 January 2023

MP Kreshnik Collaku speaking to the journalists during a press conference, where he confirmed the filing of the request to the File Authority regarding the opening of the files of all the MPs in the Parliament of Albania, if they were collaborators of the former State Security.
Category: PD
Monday, 23 January 2023

MP Kreshnik Collaku speaking to the journalists during a press conference, where he confirmed the filing of the request to the File Authority regarding the opening of the files of all the MPs in the Parliament of Albania, if they were collaborators of the former State Security.
Category: PD
Monday, 23 January 2023

MP Kreshnik Collaku speaking to the journalists during a press conference, where he confirmed the filing of the request to the File Authority regarding the opening of the files of all the MPs in the Parliament of Albania, if they were collaborators of the former State Security.
Category: PD
Monday, 23 January 2023

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